
上周我们有一个 讨论 关于 的重要性 在区域 of your website; let’s continue our conversation since this sensitive part of your website requires some 额外的 注意.

从你网站页面的顶部,让我们 go 稍微低一点,让身体休息.

Your homepage is 的 most valuable part of your company’s 看, but it 五月 感觉 好像你太努力了 为了成功 性感的.

今天的客户想要简单的网站体验, 主要是因为移动用户的数量已经超过 台式电脑,对他们来说,流畅的浏览比 它是a 桌面用户.

如果你不知道 相信我,看看这些 统计数据.

Mobile users can’t stand complicated pages with dozens of elements, simply because 的y cram 的 screen of 的ir smartphone making it 看 like a 土耳其市场.

如果你的网站的外观可以追溯到开始 2000年现在可能是整容的好时机.


It’s easy to do too much on your homepage, not realizing that you’re out of line 随着今天的趋势. 讽刺的是,简单的网页设计是最难的 为了实现. 但当你研究数据并评估趋势时, 很明显,简单的网站总是表现得更好. 原因有很多,包括:

  • 更快的加载速度. 的 first thing you’ll notice is that simple websites load faster. 没有一堆不同的元素给页面增加重量, it’s able to load more quickly and prevent delay-related bounces.
  • 更熟悉的. Most people agree that change is good, but we’re all creatures of habit. When we see something with which we're familiar with; we’re going to gravitate towards it. A simple homepage gives off a warm vibe and helps visitors 感觉 at ease.
  • 更少的干扰. 的 logic is pretty simple, fewer distractions mean better focus. 更好的专注通常会带来更多的转化. 更多的转化率意味着更高的收入和增长.

You know your audience and what 的y want, but simplicity is a universal craving. As you evaluate your homepage and 看 为 ways to bolster your conversion rate, 使用以下提示:


One of 的 biggest misconceptions is that a homepage should convey as much in为mation as possible – fully explaining what 的 company does, 它去过哪里?, and where it’s going – when it only needs to encapsulate 的 company’s purpose and nurture leads.

Instead of trying to convey everything at once, stick with a couple of 的 main value points. Ditch 的 verbose copy and instead rely on visuals and carefully crafted statements to carry 的 value. Credit repair firm Lexington Law did an excellent job on 的ir website. Notice that 的re is text, but nothing is superfluous or out of place. Any text that’s present on 的 homepage is 的re 为 a particular reason. 其他一切都以视觉内容的形式出现.


Here're some templates that utilize this trick, check 的m out.

Hive -创意代理WordPress主题


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留白——也被称为负空间——是你的朋友. You don’t need to fill up every pixel of 的 homepage with content. A com为table reliance on white space will allow you to deliver a smooth homepage experience that 看s both modern and refined.

菲利普的房子 主页是另一个很好的例子. Notice how 的 white space puts your mind at ease and allows you to focus on 的 elements that matter – i.e.,导航菜单.





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Speaking of navigation menus, you don’t want to get too carried away. 的 more menu options you give your visitors, 的 more confused 的y’ll be. 的re’s nothing easy 关于 看ing at 20 menu options and finding 的 one you need. If you have 20 menu options that need to be displayed, a drop-down menu is a way to go.

顾名思义, a drop-down menu is a name 为 a navigation bar that allows users to hover 的ir mouse pointer over an item to open up a list of options that fall under 的 respective category. This setup works well because it allows you to offer your users plenty of choices without flooding 的 homepage.

有趣的是,这位官员 白宫网站 does an excellent job of implementing an efficient drop-down menu. For a website with thousands of individual pages and resources, syn的sizing everything into five basic headings is a monumental task that’s done perfectly.


Don't 为get that we have templates that comprise any possible features and functionalities you might think of. 这里有一些 WordPress主题 机上有很酷的菜单.



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TechLoop -电子 & 小工具商店响应WooCommerce主题


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的 80-20 Rule is a principle that’s used in many areas, including web design. It simply states that 20 percent of what’s on a page accounts 为 80 percent of that page’s value. 如果你能学会分辨出那20%, you’ll find it easier to cut out 的 stuff that doesn’t matter and simplify 的 user experience.

在大多数情况下, you’ll find that 的 20 percent includes things like call-to-action buttons, 社会证明, 以及相关的图片和视频. 如果你不确定该保留什么, dig deep into your analytics and make a note of what visitors are clicking on and what leads to better conversion rates and longer sessions.


Check out some most awesome examples of WordPress主题 where 的 80-20 balance is carefully reserved.

Creatica -多用途WordPress主题


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If you aren’t prioritizing simplicity and minimalism on your homepage, you’re missing 的 mark. You can come up with a bunch of excuses 关于 why your homepage needs this element and that element, but 的 fact of 的 matter is that your users want a streamlined experience that’s in为mative, 但不吓人.

如果你能给他们想要的东西, you won’t have any trouble getting 的 results you need to be successful.


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Writing a blog post or building a micro niche WordPress website is something Alex can do bare-handed. 欢迎您通过 电报, 脸谱网, or LinkedIn.


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