谁在使用WordPress? 20个优秀网站的例子


可以肯定地说,WordPress是最知名的博客软件. 它支持多个网站,总市场份额为25%.

统计数据令人印象深刻,但它们不能保证使用 WordPress主题 会是你网站的最佳选择吗.

Check out the examples of WordPress used by the world’s largest brands and top celebrities. 它们在目的和功能上都有所不同, so I hope that you will come across something similar to the website you have in mind.


  1. 媒体
  2. 业务
  3. 技术
  4. 时尚
  5. 名人
  6. 娱乐
  7. 生活方式与设计
  8. 摄影
  9. 食物
  10. 旅行


《og体育》 is an American periodical published since 1925 and famous all over the world. It had its site redesigned in 2014 and has been using WordPress ever since.


The page is not overloaded with visuals, so browsing and scanning remain easy. 粘性菜单栏有11个类别和一个订阅按钮. Scrolling reveals structured grid-based layouts displaying different types of content.

彭博专业 博客被整合到彭博的主页和产品页面中. Its layout gives you the opportunity to experience the famous Bloomberg Terminal right before your eyes.


The videos embedded into the central part of the page switch very fast and overwhelm the user. 通过这样做, the site conveys the dynamic and spectacular nature of one of the world’s largest data and media companies.


这个WordPress网站是作为一个博客 罗技该公司是世界上最受欢迎的品牌之一.


这是一个极好的例子,一个简单的设计,说明可靠性, 一致性, 并且不会分散用户对中心信息的注意力. 中央空间通过干净的网格布局得到了最好的利用. 菜单栏整洁,反应灵敏.

在其他拥有公司博客的主要企业中, SAP seems to be most dedicated to using it as a platform for bringing its international community together.


Note that you can switch a separate subpage from English to any of the eight other languages available. 中间部分的功能是显示“SAP TV”视频剪辑的滑块. 在底部, you can see the links to the most read and most shared articles arranged in two columns.


Slashgear 是一个拥有大量读者的wordpress网站吗. 它还集成了论坛和视频网站,也使用WordPress.


Note that there are advanced options like user tables and session sharing. The entire experience of their WordPress web page is built around reading technology news. 平铺式媒体布局使您想要继续滚动, 实时搜索确保你能找到你想要的东西.

看看这款在线照片管理和分享应用的网站 Flickr. This excellent WordPress page invites its users to savor screen-wide imagery and highly visual content organized on a rigid grid.


There are countless photo galleries structured around tags or topics and an integrated coding blog that also uses WordPress.


这个网站你不需要介绍就能认出来. It belongs to one of the world’s largest fashion magazines published by Condé Nast holding - 时尚.


他们使用的WordPress主题是极简主义和精心设计的. A lot of white space combined with refined typography enhances readability and presents articles elegantly. 向下滚动, and you will see stunning full-screen images that invite you to click on one of the posts.

魅力 Italy is a local edition of another fashion media giant published by Condé Nast.


请注意,该站点在页面左侧有一个响应式侧边栏. 一个更大的媒体幻灯片占据了中心部分. The smaller slider at the top of the page features content visuals and headlines, 也是一个诙谐的小玩意儿.


克鲁小丑乐队 surely knows how to make a website design speak louder than even their music!


打从一开始, 我们鼓励游客参观官方商店, 预订周年纪念专辑, 或者分享他们的故事. The call to action buttons, though massive and contrasting, are visually balanced by a white caption. Scrolling down, you will see the band members, latest news, and discography sections.

索尼音乐娱乐公司 也有一个运行WordPress软件的网站.


A big slider carries screen-宽的照片 featuring some of the best music celebrities. 在这样的背景下,简单的菜单几乎是看不见的. The logos of music labels, featured videos, and news are placed at the center of the page.


华特迪士尼 company page stands out among all the other websites powered by WordPress.


It has a beautiful wide image in the header which serves as a background for a white responsive menu. 最近的新闻部分有一个吸引人的砖石布局. All the subcategories are displayed under it with an image, each with a small readable caption. 这一页给人的总体印象是轻松而有品位.

星球大战 是一个传奇故事,它有一个令人惊叹的WordPress网站.


主侧边栏足够大,并具有可爱的信息图表. There’s one more sidebar to the right, dividing all the posts by a category. 该页面内容丰富,但易于浏览. 明亮的视觉效果在黑色背景下看起来更令人印象深刻.



名人像 玛莎·斯图尔特 use WordPress to keep their fans updated on the latest news and build a community.


主页面充满了文本, 但是由于段落的巧妙使用,它看起来并不杂乱. 为了提高可读性,已调整了标题的大小. All the images and headings are in pastel hues, the overall style is consistent. Here we also see a left sidebar allowing visitors to navigate through the posts.


正如人们所预料的那样, Typographica 有一个最注重排版的网站吗. 大的副标题实际上是一个菜单栏, 你可以点击它来切换到一个分类的子页面. 的帖子, 主要包括漂亮字体的图片和评论, 显示在页面中央的网格上. 网站贡献者的评论以列表的形式排列.


斯科特·舒曼 是一名街头时尚摄影师,也是众多著名WordPress用户之一.


中央照片中的博客和它的主人看起来都很时尚. 该网站作为一个投资组合和, 因此, 包含大量的图像分为档案和画廊. It has an additional sidebar on the right and features random photos under it. The fabulous typography and minimalistic design do not distract the user’s attention from the content but leave the best impressions.

即使在漂亮的WordPress网站中,这个也是 布莱恩•史密斯 作为一个神话般的和功能的组合脱颖而出.


黑色的主题是一个很好的设置的照片. The menu bar is very simple but carefully crafted: it features categories like Gear, 说话, 和宣传. There’s one more sidebar at the page bottom, which helps to navigate the photos. The call to action button below invites you to browse through the galleries.


事实是 美食家 一个爱吃的社区是通过丰富的意象来传达的吗, 页面的标志, 甚至还有一句拉丁格言.


该网站基于辅助导航的侧菜单, 而页面的中心被内容流占据. Plain design and a light palette nuanced by deep orange elements make the site capture the user’s curiosity while retaining readability and functionality.

OhSheGlows 邀请你进入健康素食的世界.


This simple theme features a lot of whitespaces and does not distract you from your main goal - to choose and try out the best vegan recipes. 大块的文字与大而漂亮的照片相平衡. 我想说是字体, color, 标题部分的图形元素是唯一的, 和足够的, 场地装修.



在他的WordPress网站 Skift拉法特·阿里(Rafat Ali)声称自己正在定义旅行的未来.


The cutting-edge, customized theme does not contradict such declaration in the least. 镶嵌网格, 多个亮边栏, 行动号召的对比, 宽的照片, and a smart combination of light and dark backgrounds are the elements one would expect to find in a modern media property.



它显示每个报价的详细信息(地址、价格).等.)在自定义字段. The information itself was taken from the original site using an import function and then integrated. 用户还可以通过一个特殊的表单发布自己的新闻.


If you like some other WordPress-powered websites, please share them with us in the comments!






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