Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive


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shoppingBag Sales: 155

Created: 2015年7月7日

Updated: 2023年9月29日

ID: 54971

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $13.25/mo

35万件| 商业用途 许可证允许使用此项目创建无限的数字终端产品,以便在您的订阅有效期内销售. | Support 加入下载此项目  for Free
Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 1Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 2Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 3Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 4Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 5Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 6Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 7Spare - 汽车零件Shopify主题, Automotive - Features Image 8


如果你从事汽车行业,拥有自己的汽车陈列室、车库、洗车场、汽车修理店等., you definitely need your own website. We recommend that you use an 汽车零部件 Shopify theme, 一个提供相对便宜的网站建设解决方案的平台. 您只需要下载模板并根据需要自定义它.

在这篇评论中,我们将描述一个现成的汽车零部件模板的所有好处. 除了, 如果你打算做一个汽车配件网站与网上商店, 你可能对在线商店或汽车租赁公司的现成网站感兴趣.

当然,你早就明白备件是可以出售的,甚至是必要的,而不仅仅是线下. 你可以创建自己的在线商店,或者只是一个名片网站,这样就能永远超越你的竞争对手,或者增加客流量. 怎么做?? Check out the benefits of the Shopify theme to see if it suits you.

为您提供最完整、最具竞争力的产品信息, you should prepare material for publication. 对于这样的在线商店,需要一个带有备件照片和详细说明的目录. 精心准备的产品卡片是网店成功的关键, and therefore a decent profit from sales.

你的网上商店应该是可视化的和方便的,然后访问者会一次又一次地回到你. Naturally, you should also have the rest of the service set up. But a properly created marketplace is the face of your company. 在没有投资的情况下,在短时间内建立一个现成的备件在线商店是真实的!

Stylish 汽车零件Shopify主题 With Convenient Settings

The theme contains a complete set of tools. 多亏了这个, 您将拥有一个成熟的工作室,可以创建自己的汽车零件销售资源. With all the available features of the designer, 即使是创建网站的绝对初学者也会很快弄清楚. 该网站的开发人员试图考虑和实现一切,以便创建一个网站的过程对用户来说尽可能容易和简单. Make a parts website in one day without spending time? 对于Shopify来说,这是真的! 你自己去看看吧.

A fast modern theme dedicated to the sale of 汽车零部件. The theme has really wide functionality and features such as:

- adaptability - including for Retina;



当使用视觉设置编辑器时,该设计很容易定制, which is included in the price. 这个主题有你需要的一切,让你的网站令人难忘的访客. 时尚的设计, 颜色的良好组合-所有这一切都完美地补充了许多功能和广泛的自定义选项. There are all relevant plugins and presets, 包括搜索引擎优化和自定义视差背景. 此外,您将保证收到及时的更新和质量支持. Your site will always remain up to date.

对于那些欣赏高质量网站与客户联系的人来说,这个主题是理想的. 这个主题附带了许多服务页面:时间表,免费咨询/订单,服务等. 它是完美的经验丰富的网站建设者和完全的初学者. Thanks to the functionality of the theme, you will create a powerful online store, while spending very little time. 您和您的客户都会对网站的美观和功能感到惊讶. Believe us, it's not difficult at all!

The Perfect 汽车零件Shopify主题 for Your Business

这个汽车配件Shopify主题可能会对两个汽车维修企业主感兴趣, as well as those who sell parts. Thematic development looks great, equipped with all the necessary plugins - advanced forms, and the ability to specify the location. 一切都是在没有编码知识的情况下配置的,只在可视化编辑器模式下配置. Convenient and beautiful theme.

Use it to promote your business online. 您还可以使用其他插件来补充主题,这些插件将帮助您自动化业务流程.

What features does the theme provide:

  1. 简单明了的界面.
  2. Possibility to choose the type of site.
  3. 使用预先制作好的设计.
  4. Easy customization of your website modules.
  5. Publication of any information.
  6. Placement of the catalog with products.
  7. Ability to connect to the site of third-party applications.
  8. 支付系统连接.

所有的设置都是在线进行的,这要感谢一个管理面板,即使是初学者也可以理解. All devices are supported - computers, tablets, and phones.



  • 修复:图标显示;
  • 修正:标志高度;
  • FIX: Additional payment buttons on the cart page;
  • FIX: Cart error for discounted products (translation missing);
  • DEL: Deleted not working wishlist;
  • 修复:小错误修复.


-Update theme up to Shopify 2.0 version.

Spare Update (23 December 2020):

  • Minor functional fixes (currency and sign-in issues).


The process was incredibky helpful. 与我交谈的人没有给我压力,而是在遇到问题时帮助我. Great help. Thanks. Tom
这将是一个很好的人,从来没有把一个网站,但我需要的东西更可定制的外观,我需要. This theme is extremely basic and good for beginners.
产品很容易加载和模板怪物帮助很好地帮助我改变颜色和标志. 到目前为止我很满意
The theme is for my client's 汽车零部件 website, and it is well-designed with images being well placed. 这个主题唯一令人失望的地方是,没有规定将社交媒体放在突出位置. 所以你需要自定义某种程度来显示你想要显示的所有东西. 我会推荐这个主题给任何人,从新手到经验丰富的专业人士在网站开发.


为什么默认情况下,自定义标志图像后面仍然有一个彩色(颜色3)圆圈, which cannot be disabled using admin panel? 如何从管理面板设置header_top和footer的颜色选项?
谢谢你的评论, Rellison! Our senior technicians will gladly check this issue for you. Please contact our Support Team at提交并提供您的管理和FTP详细信息,以供进一步调查. You can also join our live chat at to get immediate assistance. Thank you.
Hello LA. 谢谢你的评论. Here you may check the load speed of this template!/kDwUw/ You can also join our live chat at to get immediate assistance. 谢谢你,祝你愉快!
Is it possible to add another languages, like Arabic?
谢谢你的评论. 是的,当然,这是可能的. You can add Arabic language with Or you can do you it yourself using this tutorials -




4.4 /5
支持度评分(518年评级) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 404 4 32 3 13 2 6 1 63
响应时间: Normal 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.
