商务包ppt模板 SALE

商务包ppt模板 by GraphicStan

商务包有1550多个独特的幻灯片,您可以使用它的各种业务和演示目的,如商务, Corporate, finance, pitch deck, creative, technology, 教育和许多.
Sales: 984
Pitch Deck—演示仪表板 SALE
给自己一个提升,开始使用这个模板把你的想法带给你的客户/合作伙伴. Pitch Deck - Template Dashboard is a multipurpose Powerpoint...
Sales: 160
营销计划ppt模板 SALE
用营销计划ppt演示模板解释你的营销计划或商业提案. 幻灯片包括市场总结,产品定义,竞争,沟通策略.
Sales: 47
最简单的ppt模板 SALE

最简单的ppt模板 by AdrianDragne

“FIRMA”迷你ppt演示模板是一个多用途的ppt模板,适合您的商业或个人使用. With this animated pptx template presentation you will be able...
Sales: 77
商务PowerPoint模板 SALE

商务PowerPoint模板 by denscreativestd

介绍Marumer -商务PowerPoint模板这个演示模板可以用于任何不同的目的, 例如:Creative Agency, Company Profile, 公司及商业,...
Sales: 30
行政摘要PowerPoint图表 SALE
现代执行摘要PowerPoint幻灯片的大集合,以将您的数据转换成一个惊人的演示文稿. With 22 fully editable slides, infographics, and diagrams. Over 6500...
Sales: 26
每-最小的PowerPoint模板 SALE
Content of Product: — Every Powerpoint Presentation.pptx - TMXL文件包括24色-文档(页面和pdf文件)-每个Powerpoint截图(.Jpg) - 800+矢量图标.pptx...
Sales: 560
Support: 1/5
2024 Pitch Deck ppt模板
Pitch Deck模板旨在满足公司和商业客户的所有要求. This PowerPoint is fully editable and customization for any types of business.
Sales: 784
Business Plan 2.0 for PowerPoint SALE
Business Plan 2.0 for PowerPoint TemplateThis is a simple template for creating a Business plan, report, 项目介绍, 或者结果演示. The template is suitable for all versions of...
Sales: 25
现代PowerPoint演示文稿是完美的令人印象深刻的风格演示文稿,也灵活的公司和商业演示. This Presentation Template, clean, creative, simple,...
Sales: 20

Take Advantage of the Most Popular 幻灯片模板

计算机能给人们的日常生活带来多少好处是无法计算的. 今天,商人们正在积极地利用技术的力量来达到他们的目的. In particular, for promotion and advertising. To be fair, 制作演示文稿被认为是计算机极客的专利的日子已经一去不复返了. Today, even a schoolboy knows the basics of creating electronic presentations. 此外,还有大量用于创建演示文稿的应用程序和软件. 但这一切都是由ppt开始的. 这不仅是最流行、最受欢迎、最方便的生成演示文稿的工具. 这是一个纯粹的经典流派. Above all, PowerPoint can amaze you with the speed and quality of the results. 快速创建演示文稿, qualitatively, efficiently, 使用最流行的PowerPoint模板. 你想了解更多吗? Let's get started.

Most Popular 幻灯片模板 Key Features

  • Technical Support. Whatever happens to your PowerPoint template after purchase, we are ready to help you. Our experts are here to assist you if you have any questions about the template, 安装问题, usage, and settings. 征求我们的意见! 我们全天候待命.
  • 一键改变颜色. 最流行的PowerPoint模板提供了随时可用的颜色选择,您可以通过单击自定义. 演示文稿的元素会根据所选内容自动改变外观. You no longer have to think about competent color combinations.
  • Icons. With thousands of options, you'll find the perfect icons to apply to your presentation.
  • Creative slides. 最流行的Powerpoint模板允许您以任何风格创建任何主题的演示文稿. 如果你是一个极简主义者、完美主义者或极简主义者,你会发现一个适合你口味的滑梯.
  • Documentation. The help file contains important information about templates, key abilities, 解决问题的技巧, 还有很多其他有用的东西. The documentation will be an indispensable aid for beginners and advanced users alike.

Free 幻灯片模板 VS Premium Ones?

各人有情人. 这是毋庸置疑的. Talking about premium and free versions of templates, we assure you that each group has pros and cons.

Free templates are the best option for everyone because of affordability. Regardless of your budget, you can use them because they are free. They are also the perfect way to hone your skills. Free PowerPoint templates are created for educational purposes. That is, 如果你对自己的能力没有百分之百的信心,想要提高自己的演讲能力, you need them.

Premium templates, on the other hand, cannot boast the same affordability. Their price segment can sometimes put off the consumer. 但作为回报,你可以确保得到一套专业的工具来生成演示文稿. Premium templates are a guarantee of uniqueness. With the most popular PowerPoint templates, 你将能够表示你自己, 强调你的个性. 高级PowerPoint模板的其他优点之一是技术支持和更新的可用性. You are sure to receive updates to the template on time and regularly. And in cases of problems or questions, the developers will come to your aid for free.

The Secrets of Creating a Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is incredibly important in any business. 内容营销是一套生成和分发重要信息以获得信任的技术. But how to create a content marketing strategy? 如何正确销售信息? How to become number 1 among the competitors? Quinn Whissen分享了她自己关于创建内容营销策略的经验. Want to learn a few tips from a professional? Follow this link.


Can I sell my PowerPoint templates on Templateog体育首页?

Yes. Templateog体育首页有一个 marketplace for digital trading products. 如果您对自己创建模板感兴趣,我们邀请您成为我们团队的一员. Become a PowerPoint template vendor and get 70% of every purchase.

I like a few of the most popular PowerPoint templates. 我想试着用它们来比较. 我可以打折买吗?

我们准备了特价. Templateog体育首页有一个 og体育首页One subscription. 每月付一次7美元.75 you get:

  • 超过18万种产品的分类;
  • 无限制下载;
  • 专业技术支持;
  • regular updates.

You should subscribe to og体育首页ONE if you:

  • 想省钱;
  • 同时喜欢几个模板;
  • 想要通过分析功能来确定演示文稿的最佳选择;
  • learn how to create presentations with different tools.


Presentation elements easily adapt to the screen resolution of any gadget, including phones, laptops, and tablets. Most popular PowerPoint templates possess a mobile layout. 用户在创建演示文稿或查看演示文稿时都不会感到不舒服.


All PowerPoint presentations are created using drag & drop. It allows you toА move interface elements with the computer mouse. 它又快又简单,而且非常方便.